Free Faculty/Staff Programs
How to Register
Step 1: Log in to the BeWell Personal Training and Fitness Assessment Website with your SUNet ID
Step 2: Sign up for either a Fitness Assessment or Personal Training session
Step 3: Select your desired location
Step 4: Select day and time
Step 5: Agree to the waiver
Step 6: You may add an appointment to the calendar in your confirmation email
How to Cancel or Reschedule
Step 1: Log in to the BeWell Personal Training and Fitness Assessment Website with your SUNet ID
Step 2: Select the date and time of the appointment you wish to cancel or reschedule
Step 3: Select "Cancel / Reschedule"
Step 4: Follow steps 2-5 under "How to Register"
Cancellation or No-Show Policy
You are eligible for two free fitness assessments and two free personal training sessions per calendar year. You must cancel each session 24 hours prior to the appointment time. Your session will be forfeited if you cancel within 24 hours or no-show.
Session Information
What tests will I be doing?
Fitness assessment tests may include the following activities, along with a personalized report based on your results:
- Blood pressure and resting heart rate
- Estimated percent body fat (measured through direct contact with the skin on the upper and lower body)
- Aerobic fitness (three- to five-minute stepping test)
- Back flexibility (sit-and-reach test)
- Upper body strength (bicep curl test)
Stanford Campus utilizes both MicroFit and the InBody Scan, allowing participants the option to choose either method to obtain their report. Stanford Redwood City uses the InBody Scan or hip-to-waist ratio measurements.
If you choose the InBody Scan, please note: for best results, limit eating, drinking, or working out for 2–3 hours before your fitness assessment. No Pacemakers!
What should I wear to my fitness assessment?
Please come dressed in workout attire that allows for unrestricted movement and wear closed-toed shoes.
- ACSR: Use the designated first or second-floor restrooms to change your attire.
- Redwood City: Locker Rooms are available for changing.
Where will my session take place?
All sessions will take place in spaces designed for the specific activity. Please check with the front desk for the exact location within the building. Valid parking permits are required.
Parking is available at the following locations:
- Stanford Campus - Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation: Knight Management Center Garage.
- Stanford Redwood City Recreation and Wellness Center: Bay Parking Lot and Barron Garage.
Please check with the staff when you check in at the recreation center front desk regarding the exact location of your session.
What if I miss my session?
You have the opportunity to take two free fitness assessments every year. If you forfeit the first fitness assessment, you still have the opportunity to register for the second free session. Attendance at each session will earn you points for that session. Visit BeWell 2025 to see how many points you can redeem for each session attended.
How do I confirm my appointment online?
Once you have registered for an appointment, you may view your appointment by logging in with your SUNet ID. You may also add appointments to your calendar via confirmation email.
Where else can I revisit appointment information?
Your session confirmation and reminder emails contain all pertinent information.
What happens with my participant data?
Your fitness assessment session data will be shared with you during your session. BeWell will be notified that you completed a fitness assessment solely for the purpose of awarding points. They will not receive any specific appointment-related information.
I cannot cancel my session
If your session date and time have passed, you will not be able to cancel it. To reschedule, you must cancel at least 24 hours prior to the session time.
Why am I receiving multiple confirmations and reminder emails?
If you use an alias email address instead of your SUNet email, you may receive multiple emails for the same action.
I click the registration button, but nothing happens
You may need to accept cookies for the registration page to complete its loading.
How do I get back to the page where I can schedule or cancel a session?
Visit the BeWell Personal Training and Fitness Assessment website to make changes to your session.
How can I get back to BeWell to sign out?
If you have any questions about free fitness assessments and personal training, please contact us at
What is BeWell?
To learn more about BeWell, visit BeWell 2025.
Who is eligible for BeWell points?
Any University benefits-eligible faculty and staff.
When will I get credit for my BeWell points?
Please allow up to four weeks after the quarter ends for your points to appear.
Who do I contact if I don't see points in my account?
How many points will I receive for a fitness assessment?
You are eligible for two free fitness assessments each year. Visit BeWell 2025 to see how many points you can redeem.
How do I get to the home page if I don't come through BeWell?
To access the home page, visit the Personal Training and Fitness Assessment website.
Session Information
What happens to my participation data?
Your personal training data will be shared with you during your session. BeWell will be notified that you completed a personal training session solely to award points. They will not receive any specific appointment-related information.
What if I miss my session?
You have the opportunity to receive two free personal training sessions each program year. If you forfeit the first personal training session, you still have the opportunity to register for the second free session. Attendance at each session will earn you points for that session. Visit BeWell 2025 to see how many points you can redeem for each session attended.
What happens in a personal training session?
In-Person Personal Training
You and your trainer will connect on the Fitness Floor, have a conversation about your goals, and they will guide you from there. Be prepared to be creative and flexible throughout the process.
Virtual Personal Training
You and your trainer will connect via Zoom, have a conversation about your goals, and they will guide you from there. Be prepared to be creative and flexible throughout the process.
How do I confirm my appointment online?
Once you have registered for an appointment, you may view your appointment by logging in to the BeWell Personal Training and Fitness Assessment website with your SUNet ID. You may also add appointments to Calendars via confirmation email.
Where else can I revisit my appointment information?
Your session confirmation and reminder emails contain all relevant information.
Where will my session take place?
Virtual personal training sessions will take place over Zoom. Prior to your session, you will receive an email from with a link. Please ensure you are in a space where you can safely be physically active.
Stanford Campus in-person personal training sessions will take place at one of the following locations:
- Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation (ACSR): 341 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA 94305
- Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center (AOERC): 285 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA 94305
Redwood City In-Person Personal Training Sessions will take place at the Stanford Redwood City Recreation and Wellness Center: 900 Warrington Ave. Redwood City, CA
Where can I find the Zoom meeting password if prompted?
Zoom links are all password-protected. If prompted for a password, you can find it in your Zoom meeting calendar invite.
I cannot cancel my session
If your session date and time have passed, you will not be able to cancel it. To reschedule, you must cancel at least 24 hours prior to the session time.
What if I have issues with Zoom?
Check out the Zoom cheat sheet or go to the UIT zoom page.
Why am I receiving multiple confirmations and reminder emails?
If you use an alias email address instead of your SUNet email, you may receive multiple emails for the same action.
I click the registration button, but nothing happens
If you use an alias email address instead of your SUNet email, you may receive multiple emails for the same action.
How can I get back to BeWell to sign out?
If you have any questions about free fitness assessments and personal training, please contact us at
For Redwood City sessions, please email
Didn't find what you were looking for?
Email us at with any questions or for further assistance.