Community Guidelines and Policies
Policy Handbook
Stanford Recreation and Wellness is committed to protecting the safety, health, and well-being of its students, faculty, staff, and guests. These policies assist Stanford in achieving its educational mission, in managing its resources, and in providing safe and orderly operations.
Community Guidelines and Policies
Community Guidelines
To ignite a culture of belonging and well-being, we strive to ensure that a diversity of cultures, races and ethnicities, genders, political and religious beliefs, physical and learning differences, sexual orientations and identities is thriving.
Acts contrary to this do not meet our community standards.
- By using Stanford Recreation and Wellness facilities and programs, you agree to comply with the community standards and cooperate with staff.
- Entering and exiting facilities must be done through the designated main entrance.
- For both security and utilization tracking, all participants using a Recreation and Wellness facility must check in at the front desk and present their valid SUID card or Guest Pass upon entering all recreational facilities.
- Safe attire that will not get caught in moving parts, and closed-toed shoes are required.
- No person under 18 years old is allowed into the facility outside of Youth and Family Access hours (unless you are a Stanford student or staff member).
- All non-participants under 18 years old must be supervised by an adult at all times.
- Report all injuries or incidents immediately to staff on duty.
- Beverages must be in a non-glass, spill-proof container. Food is allowed only in designated spaces.
- Smoking is not permitted in the facility.
- Please refrain from loud/excessive talking on cell phones while in recreation spaces.
- Physical and verbal abuse is not permitted.
- Skateboards, scooters, roller skates/blades, or bikes are not permitted inside the recreation facilities.
- Alcoholic beverages, smoking or illegal drugs are not allowed in this facility.
- Unauthorized commercial activity, posting, advertising, or private lessons/training is prohibited.
- Pets, other than Service Animals, are prohibited in all facilities.
- The Recreation and Wellness Staff is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- No bags or backpacks are permitted on the Fitness Center floor.
- No external personal trainers are permitted.
- No personal amplified sound systems or speakers are allowed without specific approval.
Lost and Found
This document aims to establish a set of guidelines for the overall management of Lost & Found.
As a courtesy to the our Recreation community, Stanford University Recreation and Wellness offers a lost and found service. However, it is important to note that we are not liable for personal items that are left unattended within or outside any of our facilities.
Stanford Recreation and Wellness reserves the right to determine how items are managed based upon the condition of the item when it is received.
Items of obvious or high value, including but not limited to cell phones, jewelry, cash and credit cards are held in secure locations.
We cannot accept any items that pose an immediate risk or fall under legal control or are illegal. In such cases, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) will be promptly notified, and our management will make every reasonable attempt to safeguard the item until DPS arrives. Examples of such items include weapons, alcohol, and drugs.
Perishable items (including protein powders, pre-workouts, etc.), medications, loose papers with no identifying information, and items deemed unhygienic will be safely disposed of daily.
Designated Locations at AOERC and ACSR
- A digital system is used to record details of lost items, including the date, description, and location where the item was found. Once logged these items are stored in secure locations for fourteen (14) days.
- Stanford Recreation and Wellness will exert every reasonable effort to locate the rightful owner of all found items until donated and are non-perishable in nature. (see Unclaimed Items).
- Staff can search any electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop) for immediately apparent identifying information, including accessing unlocked devices. If the owner’s name cannot be determined from this search, or if the device is locked with a passcode, the staff will not take further steps to gain access to the item.
- Staff will search any wallets and bags (for example, a backpack or purse) to ensure that they do not contain any items that could represent a risk and to attempt to identify the owner of the item.
- Once donated, items are not tracked.
Claiming an Item
Items can be claimed during regular hours of operation at each location. Please check website for details.
- A lost item will remain in the original found location and can be retrieved by owner at the front desk. Staff may ask for verifying ownership information through descriptions or asking for additional identifying information.
- Digital tracking sytem will reflect status of item until retrieved or donated.
Identifiable Items
- The owner of identifiable items will be contacted via their email account once an item is received, and at the earliest opportunity.
- SU ID Cards will be delivered to the ID Card office at the end of every quarter.
- High-value items, Government issued IDs, Credit Cards, and Bank Cards will be dropped off to DPS every fourteen (14) days.
Unclaimed and Disposal of Items
Items that are recorded in our Lost and Found document and not identifiable (see Identifiable Items) will be held for fourteen (14) days. Once items are donated, information about those items and the items themselves will not be accessible.
Any money that is found and unclaimed will be donated to Stanford Police Department.
AOERC, ACSR and SRWC Facilities
- Please clean all equipment before and after each use.
- Please re-rack all bars, weights, and dumbbells and return all equipment back to its proper place after use.
- Use safety clips/collars on all free-weight bars.
- Only Stanford Recreation and Wellness approved Personal Trainers are allowed to conduct training sessions.
- Stanford Recreation and Wellness reserves the right to change or amend these policies as deemed necessary for the safety and functionality of the facility, program or activity.
- Compliance with staff is expected at all times.
- Facility schedules are subject to change for special events.
LKSC Facility Policies
- Exercise at your own risk.
- You must be at least 18 years of age to use the LKSC Fitness Center.
- Only medical, graduate, and biosciences students in the School of Medicine are allowed to use the Fitness Center.
- The LKSC Fitness Center and its employees are not responsible for lost or stolen property.
- Safe attire that will not get caught in moving parts and closed-toed shoes are required
- Bags of any type are not allowed on the Fitness Center floor or near equipment. Please use the lockers or cubbies to store all personal belongings.
- Please wipe down exercise equipment after use.
- Please report any facility-related issues and injuries or incidents to the staff on duty or security staff downstairs.
- Failure to comply with any of the above
Martial Arts Mat Studio and Exercise Studio Use Policies
Please review our policies as some may have changed. Any individual or group using any of our group exercise studios must adhere to these policies:
- Access – Studio 203 (at AOERC) is only accessible for scheduled programs/classes and reservation use. Studio 111 (at AOERC) and the Milas Mat Studio (at ACSR) are open for general use if there are no scheduled classes, programs, or reservations.
- Hours & Schedule – All studio spaces are closed and off-limits 1 hour prior to building closure times. Please refer to our Facility Operating Hours here.
- Shoes & Attire – Non-marking, closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times. Safe attire that will not get caught in moving parts is required.
- Heels, tap shoes, and cleats are prohibited on hardwood floors. Tampering with studio audio and stereo equipment is strictly prohibited.
- For facility space rentals and reservations, please visit our Rentals and Reservations page here.
Climbing Wall Policies
Photography and videography are permitted in Recreation and Wellness facilities, but you may not photograph or video other people without express permission. All photography and videography is strictly prohibited in the pool, restrooms, locker rooms, and classes unless written permission is granted by Recreation and Wellness.
Facility Policies
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS Aggressive, unsafe or reckless behavior is explicitly forbidden in Stanford Athletic facilities and programs. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: Promoting or engaging in physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. The use of “fighting words” to harass any employee or participant in connection with official University functions or University sponsored programs is also prohibited.
UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY A valid Stanford SUID card or pass is required for access to all Stanford Athletic facilities and programs. In addition, entering unauthorized areas such as offices and maintenance workshops without the express permission of Stanford Athletics will be considered trespassing.
FORGERY Sharing identification cards for access to Stanford Athletic facilities or programs is considered forgery. Forgery, altering identification cards, providing false information in connection with a membership application or program form, or unauthorized use or misuse of any University document, record, key, electronic device, or identification is strictly prohibited. SUID confiscation, additional sanctions and restrictions may apply including a loss of privileges and/or a report to the Dean of Students Office.
SOLICITATION Short Term sponsorship privileges provide our Stanford Affiliates the opportunity to share use and enjoyment of Stanford Athletic facilities with individuals with whom they have an established relationship. In the interest of the safety of all users, Stanford Affiliates should refrain from sponsoring individuals who are unknown to them and to report any solicitations to do so to Stanford Athletic staff.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT Engaging in disorderly or lewd conduct, including being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances, is strictly prohibited.
UNAUTHORIZED COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY Posting, advertising, conducting unauthorized private lessons or training, soliciting individuals in Stanford Athletic facilities for personal services, businesses, or agencies is prohibited.
FORGOTTEN ID If you have forgotten your Stanford issued ID card, the front desk staff will use a 3-strikes system to check you in. Each quarter, a patron may enter the facility up to 3 times without a Stanford issued ID card; they will receive a “strike,” and after 3 strikes, they will no longer be let into the building without their Stanford issued ID card.
Refund, Cancellation & Switching Policy
We are no longer accepting refund requests or cancellations. Refunds will only be issued in the event of a program-wide cancellation (e.g., quarter-long class vs. individual day class) as determined by Recreation and Wellness. If you need to appeal due to exceptional circumstances, please contact us at Approved refunds will incur a 5% processing fee to cover administrative costs.
For other products or services, such as defective merchandise or facility issues that impact operations, please contact our team, and we will work with you to find a satisfactory resolution.
We appreciate you. Please contact for any questions.